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Little Alchemy 2 Hints Computer

Craft a Computer in Little Alchemy 2: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Make a Computer in Little Alchemy 2

In the enchanting world of Little Alchemy 2, you're granted the power to create an array of elements and objects from basic starting elements. Among the many marvels you can conjure is a sophisticated computer. With the right combination of ingredients, you can watch as electronic components magically assemble into a fully functional device.

Method 1: The Basic Approach

Fire + Stone + Metal + Water = Computer

This straightforward method combines the fundamental elements of fire, stone, metal, and water to craft a rudimentary computer.

Method 2: The Technological Evolution

Wheel + Metal + Electricity = Computer

By harnessing the power of electricity and the ingenuity of wheels and metal, you can evolve a primitive machine into a computerized marvel.

Method 3: The Electronic Synthesis

Silicon + Electricity = Computer

In the realm of modern technology, silicon and electricity reign supreme. Combine these two elements to create a state-of-the-art computer.

Method 4: The Algorithmic Alchemy

Metal + Mathematics = Computer

With the help of mathematics, even the most basic of materials can be transformed into a computational powerhouse. Combine metal and the abstract realm of mathematics to forge a digital masterpiece.

Method 5: The Universal Intelligence

Knowledge + Electricity = Computer

In the pursuit of enlightenment, knowledge and electricity come together to create a computer capable of accessing the boundless depths of human intellect.
